วันพุธที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Top Five Reasons to Become a Junior Copywriter

Go ahead and study for the bar exam if you really, really want to.

Become a podiatrist, a taxidermist or a typist if you feel so inclined. Get into the smoked meats industry if that's your legacy. But if you want to lead a charmed career: become a junior copywriter.

When you become a junior copywriter, every part of life noticeably changes. Coffee tastes richer. Traffic seems less snarled. Roommates don't seem so 'roommate-like.' After you arrive, the good life takes form.

So here, in no particular order, are the top 5 reasons to become a junior copywriter:

1) Play XBox. Get Check.

It is NOT a misconception that junior copywriters have free time to burn. They do. It's called 'concepting' in the advertising biz. In fact, a junior copywriter and a junior art director (hence a junior creative team) can 'concept' deep into the night with enough games. And beer.

But they can only do this IF they deliver the goods when it comes time to present their work to their Creative Directors. It seems almost crazy, but junior creatives can ABSOLUTELY do anything and everything they want besides work, IF they perform when it comes time to 'show the work' and then produce the work.

2) Movie Times Usually Start Around 11:45am

Hey, you spent months on building the perfect portfolio, you've got movies to catch up on.

Don't laugh, junior copywriters go to the movies a lot more than anyone thinks. In fact, most juniors really believe they're being set up when they head out to the movies the first few times. But just like #1 above, your time as a junior is your time. And if you can 'concept' through the roof and catch the new Harry Potter installment at the same time, then more power to you.

It's all a balancing act. With no net.

3) Every Day Is Dress Down Friday

This one gets under the skin of almost everyone who isn't a junior creative. The ability to wear ripped jeans and a t shirt and earn six figures is a way of life in advertising. As long as clothes are clean (and even that's a bend-able rule) juniors are able to wear whatever makes them comfortable.

Sandals during the winter? Head bands? Work out clothes? No socks...ever? All perfectly acceptable if the work that's presented is GREAT. (Otherwise, break out some socks really fast!)

4) You Become Sexy

It doesn't matter if you're overweight, a heavy smoker and have ear hair starting to show, when you become a junior copywriter, you get sexy real fast. "See that guy by the bar? Junior copywriter." Society will view you differently. The opposite sex will be more inclined to overcome the outside to get to the inside. Sounds crazy...but its true.

(Caution: #4 is typically over abused by the male junior copywriters we have seen.)

5) You Instantly Gain The Right To Compete Against Others To Sell And Produce Television Commercials

This is the biggie. And it's no laughing matter.

When you start as a junior, you will repeatedly be brought into new business pitches, client saves and general creative 'gangbangs' (just a fancy way of saying competition) where it is and always will be winner take all. You will put your best thinking up against the best thinking from people who have been in advertising forever.

And the big winner in advertising, with all of this competition going on, is whoever gets to produce television.

Ad agencies GENERALLY do not care where the great ideas come from...as long as they come. So the juniors have as good a shot with their great thinking as the heavy hitters do. (Politics and back stabbing aside, of course.)

Think you want to become a junior copywriter now? Or are you still thinking about those smoked meats?

mcsa certification

