In today's modern lifestyle, most working executives barely have the time to take care of their health and do regular workouts. Every day is a routine - wake up, work, get home, eat, housework and sleep - barely healthy. Apart from weekends (that's provided your lovely mother in law does not pay you a visit), most working executives won't be able to really find time for a proper workout. To make the situation worse, these executives live the ultimate sedentary lifestyle - right in front of their computers 8 hours a day.
No wonder such a huge percentage of our population is overweight.
One way to break out of this horrible lifestyle is to workout during lunchtime! Normally, you would have an hour for lunch. That is sufficient for a good workout, have a good meal, and get back to work feeling refreshed, energetic and ready to go! In fact, a quick workout can take less than 30 minutes. Here are three things you could do within 30 minutes of your lunch hour.
1. Climb the stairs!
If your office is located at the 20th level of your building, you are in luck! In just 15 minutes, you can take the elevator down the ground floor, and then leisurely climb up stairs to your office. Climbing the stairs is a great cardiovascular workout! After the climb, spend the next 15 minutes cooling down and drying up - then go for your quick lunch.
2. Actually go to the gym!
This may not be an option for every one, but if you have the luck to be located close to a gym (whether it is for your company stuff, or open to public), you can take some time during your lunch to hit the gym! A visit to the gym doesn't have to take 2 hours. In fact, 20 minutes on the treadmill consistently and daily, walking or jogging is a great way to get your heart pumping and build some stamina.
Remember to bring your change of clothes and a towel, so you can get a quick shower and freshen up before We return to the office. If you want more like a shower, you can also have a packed lunch with you so that in the last 10 minutes of your lunch break, back in the office Munch slowly and fill the stomach.
Third Training in the office!
If your office provides space and privacy (or be brave enough to open on it), why does not require any exercise equipment on the desk and work in your office during your lunch break? Some things that bring you a simple handheld weights, a gym ball, or if you find these cumbersome, you could do your push-ups and sit-ups right beside your computer desk! Why not? However, be sure to get your bosses' green light before you do so, so that you are not inconveniencing your fellow colleagues (if they are around during lunchtime).
Working out during lunch time can be done - it requires an extra effort, but the payoffs are huge, especially if you follow a proper exercise routine with discipline and Stamina!
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