"Yoga's only for young and fit women." Does this depressing statement sound familiar to you? Let me tell you that, while it isn't for everybody, Yoga has so many advantages for diabetics. The effects of Yoga on diabetes are amazing. That's right, Yoga! You don't have to strain your muscles in a musty and crowded gym or pound your knees on the hard pavement to run a four-minute mile. If you have preconceived ideas on what Yoga is, let me describe it for you in the simplest way, the ABC's:
Asthmatics' breathing is improved
Balance- achieve, maintain, and improve
Circulation improvement
Develops exercise, breathing, and meditation
Focus on your rhythmic breathing
Graceful in motions
Harmony with yourself and your environment
Improves flexibility
Jeering exercise is a thing of the past
Keeps the blood vessels elastic
Lessens stress
Muscle tension is relieved
Neglect everyday stresses
Opens your mind to tranquility
Quit - you won't want to
Reduces stress and high blood pressure
Spine and posture
Tones and shapes your body
Universal and your own consciousness
Various yoga techniques keep things interesting
eXuberance for life
Your well-being
Zeal for life
Okay, I get it, you want to know the effects on diabetes with Yoga. You know Yoga is the perfect solution to help improve your type 2 diabetes. Now, don't get me wrong, Yoga isn't the magic cure for type 2 diabetes, but it can complement your healthy lifestyle changes and help you feel more in control of your well-being and health.
Here are some various relaxing and energizing exercise positions that are proven to prevent type 2 diabetes. Once you see how easy and beneficial they are, you'll want to get started right away! I will satiate your curious with just four poses:
- The Easy Pose
It's exactly how it sounds! It is the classic pose that uses meditation (or, if you want, you can say prayers) that straightens the spine, slows down metabolism, promotes inner tranquility, and keeps your mind still.
- Shoulder Stretches
These stretches relieve stress and tension from your neck, shoulders, and upper back.
- Tree Pose
This pose helps strengthen the thighs, ankles, calves, and back. It also increases the flexibility in your hips and groin, and improves your balance and concentration.
- Relaxation Pose
This one is the best! Physical, mental and spiritual relaxations are incorporated in this one exercise.
The three main Yoga structures are exercise, breathing, and meditation. These three structures correlate perfectly to enhance your health both physically and mentally.
So, now you know the ABC's of why Yoga can improve your health, mind, body, and soul and can improve your type 2 diabetes. What are you waiting for? Put on your comfy workout clothes, drink plenty of water, and let Yoga melt away the stress in your life.