Staying motivated once you decide to start exercising on a regular basis doesn't have to be all that difficult. All you need to do is pick out a few different kinds of activities that you enjoy and make sure that you change your workout on a regular basis.
Don't Let Boredom Set In
Relying on one kind of activity to stay fit is just a recipe for boredom. If you don't make working out enjoyable, you will find all kinds of excuses for avoiding it. Before too long, you will have gotten out of the habit of exercising regularly, and your health will suffer because of it. Exercise reduces stress, short term and chronic illnesses.
Plus, you may find that you start to gain weight easily because you are not burning enough calories during the day. If you want to keep on enjoying the foods you love, then make a point of being active. Otherwise, you will find it much more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.
Many Activities Allow You To Stay Fit
If you are used to working out solo, then why don't you sign up for an exercise class to keep things interesting? With the number of options available, it shouldn't be too difficult to find something you can participate in. If you are used to a workout where you are going full tilt all the time, you may want to consider signing up for a yoga or a tai chi class. These options may not seem like a great workout, but don't be deceived. It takes control and flexibility to do these activities.
There is nothing wrong with getting a spot at the back of the room until you get used to the routine of the class. No one expects you to have all the moves or the poses down the first time you try them. As you continue through the class schedule, you will find that you are stronger and have better balance. This new-found confidence is something you can carry with you to other aspects of your life, too.
Another option if you are looking for a way to change up your workout routine is to get involved in some kind of team sport. There are several choices available to you, including baseball, soccer, basketball, and football. Playing as part of a team is not only fun, but learning how to be part of a group working toward a common goal helps you to learn how to work well with others in other situations.
Don't discount the value of adding physical activity where you can during your day. Make a habit of taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking your car a little further away from your destination, or going for a walk on your lunch break. These small changes in your routine will help you improve your level of fitness as well as help you to stay motivated to make regular physical activity a part of your lifestyle.