Basically exercise is the mode of keeping yourself fit for performing your routine tasks. Exercise has been defined as balanced pace walk which might increase your heart beat rate, jogging and cycling. The biggest loser contest is integrated with various types of exercise plans for participants. The different exercise plans assist people greatly in losing weight and along with getting monetary benefit in the form of prize.
Some time people count the habit of having a round of grocery store, shopping at the mall, arm wrestling and vacuuming as the exercise but from the biggest loser contest point of view this is not correct. These activities do not come under the purview of the biggest loser exercise.
The exercise plan of the biggest loser consists of 12 week cardio workout, which helps you in exceeding the intensity of your aerobic training. In exercise routine of the biggest loser contest you will get circuit training which contains some certain moves in a sequence with only few seconds to rest. This exercise does not consume more than 30 minutes at one time and it is done 3 times in a week. This is such an effective exercise in weight lose process that once you become adept in it you will gain unique results within very less time span. This is a rule of the biggest loser contest that as much weight you lose, more points you will get, and which will qualify you to win this contest.
Before starting the biggest loser exercise there are some set of rules which you are supposed to follow like:-
o Two or three times in a day get you moved for around ten or fifteen minutes at a day. This will increase the blood circulation of your body and fill your mind with the idea of being active. Along with you should take care of other fact that how much water you are taking in a day. Since taking sufficient water in day is very important for healthy body.
o Try to keep yourself away from any kind of exercise if you find that you are suffering from some pain, illness, tightness in your chest and muscle cramp. It might affect the capacity of your body and as well as it might be harmful for you.
o First of all start walking slowly and then as you find that you are getting pace then increase the frequency. Apart from walking if you like dancing then it is not only the perfect mode of exercise but also suits to your instincts and definitely you will enjoy it.
o Avoid wearing tight clothes as during sweating this causes chafing to your skin. Hence try to wear loose and cotton clothes especially on the part of your legs.
o Stretching your body parts both before starting exercise and after finishing the exercise will helps you in preventing any kind of injury in your exercise routine.
Thus by following these terms associated with exercise schedule in the biggest loser contest you can bring a huge success for yourself.