วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Exercise is Supposed to Keep You From Getting Sick, Right?

How many people around you have gotten the flu... strep... or other random virus this cold/bug season? And what are you doing to fight off the bugs to make sure you don't end up stuck in bed and eating nothing but soup?

If working out is on that list then great... because a healthy, regular workout program will definitely promote a good immune system. As a matter of fact, regular exercisers experience 20-30% fewer colds than people that don't workout!

I have a feeling that that number would be much higher if it wasn't for the germ invested gyms that could actually lead your workout to make you sick.

Gyms are filthy... there's no doubt about that. How many people have held that dumbbell that you used today? How many people have laid on that bench and never wiped it? It's pretty gross to think about but it's true.

But there are ways to keep yourself safe this time of year and make sure your workout is beneficial to your healthy and not causing you to get whatever bug your treadmill partner has.

5 Ways To Fight Gym Germs

Wash Your Hands. Grab the soap before and after your workout. To make sure you are washing enough to kill off yucky stuff sing "Happy Birthday" to yourself... or count to 20.
Spray and wipe. Wide down your equipment before you use it and after your done! Don't assume that the person before you had the courtesy to spray and wipe so to be on the safe side spend the 10 seconds it takes (if that) to do it.
Bring a sweat towel. Who knows how long the the gym washes their sweat towels, or if they use an antibacterial cleaner... so to be safe and avoid stinky rags bring your own.
Change. The first thing you should do post workout is to change out of your workout clothes... it takes about 60 seconds and you have to do it sooner or later so do it now!
Cover up. If you shower at your gym wear clean shower shoes... or flip flops to avoid unclean shower floors.
It's not going to put a damper on your gym time to do these precautions. I am talking about less than 5 minutes to do all 5 things. And trust me when you start to notice less and less of the regulars around because they "caught a bug" you will be glad you followed these rules.

Of course there are several other immune boosting tips like certain vitamins, foods, and more you can do to make sure you don't end up at the doc's office with runny eyes, cold chills and a fever!

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