Some people would say that the most comfortable clothes are no clothes at all. Since it is illegal in most places to walk around nude and in some climates that would just be impossible anyway, we have to wear clothes. Clothing is some of the biggest selling items in the world because we simply have to have them. In some countries they are necessary for covering the body and what they look like or where they came from really does not matter. In other countries like America, France and Italy clothes can be a big fashion statement and many people will only buy the best they can afford.
What everyone around the world likes at least some of the time are clothes that are comfortable. Comfortable clothes have a place in every wardrobe. Many years ago silk and soft cotton were among some of the most comfortable materials that could be used. Wool was used to make many garments that were used to keep people warm, but it was often scratchy. Even cottons that were thick enough to be durable could be stiff.
These days we have a variety of materials like fleece that is as soft and plush as you could ever wish to wear. Fleece is made into sweatshirts, sweatpants, pajamas, robes, sweaters and jackets. Knit materials can also be very comfortable. Polyester knit clothing were among some of the first man made stretchy materials and it was worn a lot during the nineteen seventies. Polyester suits wear all the rage for men and women alike because they had so much give to the material, yet they fit snugly if you wanted them to.
Even though blue jeans might not really even be all that comfortable, especially the materials they used to be made from, now we can purchase them already faded and washed out. This makes them one of the most purchased garments in the world. T-shirts run right up there with jeans. A pair of faded jeans and an old t-shirt probably top the list of the most comfortable clothes. Spandex is also a comfortable material that many garments like underwear, work out suits, and even lingerie are made from today, but spandex is not a friend to anyone if it is worn on the outside.
We will all probably always have to wear clothes of some kind and there is not much telling what kind of clothes the future will bring, but you can probably bet that there will be plenty of comfortable ones to choose from.