วันอังคารที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Weight Loss - Get Your Best Body in 8 Weeks

Imagine how you'll feel 8 weeks from now when you look in the mirror and see a new you. Think it can't happen? Think again. You can do this and you will be able to fit this process into your busy schedule. Read on to find out how to get your best body in 8 weeks.

When you break it down, 8 weeks is really not a long time, it's actually 4 sets of 20 days. "They" say if you can do something for 20 days, you've created a habit. This is exactly what I'm going to help you do.

Get Organized

To be successful, you actually have to put this effort first and foremost in your life. Nothing else can matter more than taking control of your lifestyle, which will help you to get your best body. Getting organized consists of following these next steps:

The Kitchen: Clear out any foods that will cause you to trip up on your diet. Stock your cupboards and fridge with healthy options.
Workout Clothes: Pick out or purchase comfortable clothes that will allow you to move easily while you work out. This includes having shoes designed especially for your activities such as running, training or aerobic classes.
Support System: Enlist the help of your family, friends and loved ones to help you stay on track. If no one is available in your immediate area, seek support online from one of the many fitness websites.

Create a Schedule

You are well on your way to success. You have things prepped, now its time to create a schedule. First, figure out when you'll workout and write (that's correct, write) it down in your calendar. This means you'll be more likely to actually do it. Then tell everyone that is affected by this schedule AND that it's starting on (this date) and get going.

Put Together a Meal Plan

Mindset, check; schedule, check; now you need to know what you'll be eating. Believe me, the meal plan is just as important, if not more, than the other two components. You will need to eat every 3-4 hours to be successful. By planning your meals, you will be in total control of your caloric intake. Purchase some low fat cookbooks or jump online and find lots of healthy recipes that promote weight loss.

Put It in Motion

All things are in order, now all that's left is to do it. Will you join a gym, hire a personal trainer, or invest in workout videos or magazines and design your own program? Which ever works best for you, go for it. Remember, this is your journey, so choose how you will go through it.

8 weeks is a symbol for the rest of your life, once you get to the end of the first 8 weeks, you'll look and feel better than ever. Then, you'll simply start over and make a new plan to follow for the next 8 weeks.

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