วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How To Exercise Without Making Yourself Crazy

Until really recently, I had had a strict "no joining gyms" policy. This policy was based upon good solid reason and logic -- in the past, I would join a gym, go religiously for a few months, get sick and not go for about a week, and then never go back again. Ever. Plus, I wouldn't even work out at home because it would remind me of how guilty I felt about not getting to the gym.

I know, it's crazy. But I know from friends and clients that I'm not the only one who does this.

Once I learned about Health At Every Size and took the pressure off myself about losing weight, not joining a gym was really great for me. I would take long walks, do aerobics or yoga DVD's, and I would do it pretty regularly.

But lately, I started feeling the pull to join my local Y. They have a pool, daily water aerobics, really new weight and cardio machines, and a generally pleasant, laid back vibe. I took a tour with a friend and we both loved it. And since joining, I've been going about five times a week, mostly to do water aerobics but also to use the elliptical. I absolutely love it, and I feel really good.

So how did I get to this peaceful, happy place with working out and exercising?

Well, there are methods to my madness. So if you're feeling kind of stuck when it comes to fitness or not sure how to do it without over-exercising/guilting yourself/obsessing about weight loss etc., I'd like to give you a couple of tips how to do it in an emotionally healthy way.

So here are my top five tips on how to exercise without making yourself crazy.

1. Do What You Find Fun. Just because your best friend swears by hot yoga, it doesn't mean that you have to do it. It doesn't have to be difficult or unpleasant to be really good for you.

Why? Because if you like it, you'll want to do it, and if you don't like it, you won't want to do it. It's really that simple. It's not like phys. ed. class in school, where you had to do whatever the class is doing. If you like dancing around your apartment -- fantastic. Great. Do that. If you like water aerobics, find a place that has it and do it. It is worth the money if you like it and it makes you feel good. When you exercise in a way that you actually enjoy, you still get tons of benefits, and it's SO MUCH EASIER to do because you actually want to do it!

2. Be Open Minded & Try Different Things. Experiment with different kinds of exercise and see what appeals to you. Be willing to try something new and revise your opinions.

Why? Because when you're open minded, you may find that what was once true for you isn't true anymore. For example, even if you always thought you had two left feet, you might really enjoy a dance class. Or, even if you always found the weight room intimidating in high school, you may not feel that way now, as an adult. If you're checking out gyms, try to get a free week or day at different gyms, and see where you feel most comfortable. You don't have to make a decision right away, and you may be surprised by which place you like the most. (I also really recommend YMCA's and YMHA's because they're usually less "hard selling" than commercial gyms.)

3. Don't Keep Statistics. I mean it. Don't track anything about the way you exercise. Don't track how many minutes of cardio, or how many pounds you lift, calories burned, or your weight or your measurements.

Why? You don't need it, and it can make you crazy. You know when you've been working out regularly and when you haven't. Your body tells you. You notice when your endurance has gotten better when you get less tired walking to the train. You notice when your muscles have gotten stronger when you lift a bag of groceries with less effort. The point of exercise is not to constantly compare (and judge yourself) against a standard from last week or last year or 20 years ago. The point is noticing how your body feels. And if today your body feels tired and you only do a little, that is fantastic too because it means you're listening.

4. Schedule Your Workouts. Block out time in your schedule for classes you want to take or working out at home. Make that time as sacred as possible by not scheduling anything else during that time. Be realistic about the time you need, including time to stretch, shower, etc.

Why? Exercising really is "me time." It's time that you are putting aside, just for you, to make you feel good. Putting your favorite classes or home workouts in your schedule is a signal to yourself that your health, well-being, and personal time is really important. I literally schedule my water aerobics class (and travel time and shower time) into my schedule and don't schedule clients during that time. I know that no matter how crazy my day is, I have that time blocked out just for me and I can look forward to it.

5. Invest In Workout Clothes, Sneakers, Etc. That Are Right For You, Fit You And Make You Feel Good. When you have sneakers that fit right, clothes that fit, etc., exercising is so much easier and more enjoyable.

Why? It's really hard to concentrate on exercising when you're worried that your bathing suit is too tight or your sneakers are worn out. Wear clothes that make you feel good -- even put on some makeup if it helps. Truly, it's better to wear one outfit that you like over and over again, than wear really old clothes that make you feel embarrassed. I notice when I have things that support my workout, ( prescription goggles ) then I'm more likely to workout and really enjoy it.

Alright, hotties, let's get cookin'!

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วันเสาร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Facts on Yoga

Yoga has become an increasingly popular form of exercise and meditation the last several years. Many people look at yoga as just that, though. But yoga encompasses more than simply exercise and meditation. This article will "enlighten" you to some facts about yoga.

Yoga started out in the East as a spiritual practice focusing on meditation, but in the West it is normally seen as a physical practice, for the benefit of staying healthy and in shape. Hatha yoga is the variation of yoga that describes exercise. It is estimated that around sixteen million North Americans practice this form of yoga. These yoga classes focus on breathing exercises, physical exercises and meditation, which are especially beneficial for people with back, heart, or breathing problems.

In studies, yoga has helped young and old people alike who have heart problems. The studies have shown that yoga helped to lower blood pressure and increase resistance to psychological stresses. Yoga aids to improve physical flexibility, strength and endurance, which is particularly beneficial to people with back problems. The yogic breathing and meditation assists those people to better manage their back pain.

A male who practices yoga is referred to as a yogi or yogin, whereas a female who practices yoga is called a yogini. The word yoga means to yoke and it can loosely be translated as "to join" or "unite". It can also be taken to mean as "union" or a method of discipline. Yoga is believed to be made up of eight limbs: the asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), dharana (concentration), dhyani (meditation), yamas (restraints), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), niyamas (observances) and samadhi (absorption). The goal of traditional yoga is to achieve samadhi, which is a state of inward enlightenment.

Most people who practice yoga today are involved with the limb asana. They use these physical postures to increase physical strength and flexibility, while purifying the body at the same time. These asanas or postures are known as the increasingly popular hatha yoga. The word hatha can mean forceful or willful and can be translated into "ha", which means "sun" and "tha" meaning "moon". Hatha yoga is the physical exercises and postures of yoga that allows the free-flow of energy throughout the body, as well as creating balance and inner peace and harmony.

When some people picture someone doing yoga, they have an image of a person sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed, thumb and fore finger pressed together, chanting the word "Om". What is Om and what does it mean? Repeating the word Om is a mantra; it is a vibration of the universe around us. Everything has a pulse and ancient yogis created Om to represent that universal pulse. Chanting Om at the beginning and end of a yoga session brings the person a sense of connection to the entire universe and is meant to be soothing and uplifting.

Yoga is beneficial no matter how much or how little of it you can fit into your weekly schedule. It is recommended to start practicing yoga two or three times a week for an hour each time and work your way up from there if possible. However, any time that you can find for a yoga session will work too. Nothing special is required to begin a yoga session. The only things that are needed for a yoga session are your body, mind and comfortable, well-fitting workout clothes. Then you are ready for your first yoga experience!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Clearance Clothing Sales For Plus Size Women

A few years ago, the plus size women were having much difficulty in their quest to purchase affordable and fashionable clothing. Most times when they actually find something that fits, it would lack style and in plain fabrics that had no vibrancy. Nonetheless, there were some department stores that would provide special places especially for these ladies to find some of the top brand name clothing. This means they would not have to wait until the clearance sales for plus size women comes in order to look good.

Today, this industry is making billions from the plus size clothing lines and the ladies can obtain trendy and fashionable items almost everywhere. In spite of this, in case you are shopping for the small or plus size clothing at this time it can be very expensive. It is a good thing, there are options like the ones mentioned below which will allow women to save these days.

A number of retailers are currently offering what is called "buy one get one free or one at half price" promotions or perhaps something comparable. You could discover many major stores packaging various items in discounted bargains each day. In cases where you don't want so much clothing, then you could always shop with your family and friends and share the expense. If you a smart shopper, it is possible that you could acquire some really nice pieces for your wardrobe and it would not hurt your bank account.

Then, there is the internet shopping options which are exceedingly popular these days. Most individuals are usually not at ease while shopping in throngs of people and some really don't intend to shell out the money to pay the high cost for fuel. So, through shopping on the internet, they can easily spend any amount of time browsing the many offers instead of being rushed by the aggressive salespeople in the stores.

A second advantage of shopping online is the coupon codes that are available to purchase just about any item. With regard to plus size clothing, you could find big name stores offering even 30% if four items are purchased or weekly discounts with coupons. In fact, shopping online is not that effective if you are not utilizing coupon codes.

There is also the clearance sale with heavy discount prices on a number of items. If you are an ardent shopper, you will realize that the style of clothing will change in every season and when this happens the stores will offer reduced prices for the older stock. Some of the clearance sales for plus size women can provide savings of even 70% off the normal price. Additionally, think about purchasing seasonal merchandise which might not be beneficial today, but can easily end up being the fashion in the subsequent season.

So, all the plus size ladies who were finding it difficult to purchase your clothing in the past can now discover a number of ways to spend less. Look at the sales and coupon code options online and enjoy some of the best bargains. If you want, you can easily purchase some of your items in the clearance sale for next year and monitor the advertisements for the stores regularly.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

12 Tips on Developing Self Discipline

It has been proven that those people who accomplish more and are respected more have the ability to delay gratification. Think about who we respect - doctors, professors, writers, black belts, successful business people. All of these have made sacrifices to get to where they are today.

I like to be self disciplined but truthfully, I am not. What I do is use tricks to keep me on track. The following are 8 tricks I use:

1 - lead me not into temptation. I simply do not have tempting stuff around me. If I want cookies in the evening, I need to either go out to a store or get out the flour. Either of which is usually enough deterrent to keep me from eating them. I have even gone so far as to not have a TV.

2 - Plan. A small amount of planning keeps me on track. This can be as simple as planning what things I want to accomplish that day to planning what health snacks I want to have on hand. I set out my workout clothes every night and have my work clothes packed in my gym bag so I head straight to the gym.

3 - Set goals. The act of setting goals starts them in motion. The more you revisit them, the more you keep on track.

4 - Track what you do. It seems odd but the simple act of logging what you do or do not do is a great way to keep you on track. This works well for diets, workouts and just about anything. What gets measured and tracked, gets done.

5 - Ask yourself "what would I like to accomplished by the time I go to bed". This simple question can keep you on task.

6 - Get a coach. This person can be a friend or a paid coach. Coaches tend to push and keep you on track. I always thought it was strange to pay someone to tell you what you already know you should do but years of working with a personal trainer has taught me that I push harder when I am coached.

7 - Increase to pain of not doing something. Simple - do not allow yourself to do what you find pleasurable until you complete the tough job.

8 - Increase the pleasure of success and make it more immediate. For example, writing an article has very little instant reward. So rewarding myself with a tea for successfully completing it can work.

9 - I use the mantra "successful people do tough things" I am a successful person so that drives me to do the tough things.

10 - Tell other people your goals. If your goal is to stop something (like smoking), your friends and enemies alike will enjoy pointing out when you are failing. If your goal is a positive like reading a book per week, tell your positive, supportive friends - they will help prod you and support you.

11 - It is all about habits. "We are the product of what we repeatedly do"  - Aristotle. Habits do not even take work. You just do them. I suspect you do not even have to think to brush your teeth. You just do it. It is a habit.

12 -  It is all about systems. Build systems to help you accomplish your goals. Systems might include your support, your organization, your methods of doing things efficiently.

Self discipline can be learned. You can choose to be self disciplined. It is not easy but it is what will make you a success.

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วันพุธที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Debralee Lorenzana - HOT SEXY VIDEO - Got fired from her job!

Debralee Lorenzana - This 33 years old woman got fired from her job at citybank and the reason was: She is too hot! Too sexy for citybank to handle! **************************************** DEBRALEE LORENZANA is suing Citibank Corporation for firing her because she is essentially "too hot" for the organization and thus distracting for her fellow male employees. Debralee Lorenzana said in her defense that the kind of background in which she has been brought up has taught her that women should take care of themselves and make sure they look their best whenever they go out, whether to the market or to work. So naturally she made sure she looked her best while going to work at the Citibank branch in Midtown, NYC. Unfortunately, her bosses couldn't handle it. They told her to stop wearing turtleneck sweaters, pencil skirts and high heels. Debrahlee Lorenzana is 5'5" tall and has an appealing body with awesome figure. Lorenzana's bosses told her that "as a result of the shape of her figure, such clothes were purportedly 'too distracting' for her male colleagues and supervisors to bear." In a strange twist of fate, Debrahlee Lorenzana is finding herself in the news after she filed a lawsuit against Citibank for firing her allegedly because, "She's too hot." Her attractive figure has apparently caused too much "distraction" from colleagues. Debrahlee works for the Citibank branch in the Chrysler Building, New York. And now, she's filed a case on Citibank for creating a ...


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วันอังคารที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Lively clashes at PMQs — Harman vs. Hague

Harriet Harman, Deputy Labour Leader, versus William Hague, Shadow Foreign Secretary, in the House of Commons on Wednesday April 2, 2008. Gordon Brown was in Russia somewhere for a meeting — I'm not sure where David Cameron was. Harman is a well-known feminist and promoter of gender equality, so it's no wonder she countered Hague's comments about Margaret Thatcher so easily. More commentary about this at: news.bbc.co.uk Also, here is the blog entry on Harriet Harman's website that Hague was referring to: blog.harrietharman.org


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วันจันทร์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

What's the Best Weight Loss Spa?

What's the best weight loss spa for you? We've reviewed some of the top spas around the country to help you choose.


A health spa for 24 guests, it boasts of offering a more personalized attention than any hotel or resort spa. With its 4 to 1 staff-guest ratio, it combines the philosophies of luxurious European Spas with the Californian concept of health, fitness, and nutrition. With a goal of sending their guests home feeling refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated, Cal-a-Vie is offering 3, 4, and 7 night vacation packages that includes gourmet spa cuisine, hiking, fitness classes, spa treatments, lectures on health and nutrition, accommodations, and even workout clothes so you can forget about the troubles of packing.

Canyon Ranch

More than just an amazing vacation, staying in Canyon Ranch is an experience. Starting 1979, Canyon Ranch has set the bar high for health resorts all over the world. You can enjoy the Canyon Ranch experience in their various resorts, hotels, and spa clubs in Arizona, Massachusetts, Nevada, Florida, and on board the Queen Mary 2. After your stay with them,keep your Canyon Ranch experience with you by getting their nutritional supplements, skin care products, cookbooks, and health and wellness books.

Duke Diet & Fitness Center

Scientific information is applied to the development of a practical goal-oriented program for you. As a treatment facility for the management of patients with weight problems and its complications, the Duke Diet & Fitness Center works closely with other resources to understand better and effectively treat people with their challenging health problems. Their program is designed for adults aging 18 and up and is also dedicated to educating about the processes of making a healthy switch in lifestyle. Because every guest has a different schedule, abilities, interests, and medical needs, their program is tailored to address each need.

New Age Health Spa

At the New Age Health spa, by combining modern science with spiritual ideologies, they give focus on the idea of eating awareness. In bringing awareness to when you eat, you are able to realize why you eat what you eat during the times that you eat it. With an increase in the awareness of your body, you are more less likely to eat food that can be harmful to your health, making you healthier in the long run.

Structure House

A residential center, it specializes in understanding and teaching the psychology, nutrition, behavior and fitness components of the successes of losing weight and the related lifestyle change it brings about. It offers you a challenging yet supportive atmosphere that integrates enjoyable exercise, nutritious food, and behavioral therapy. Its 75-member team is dedicated to making sure that the environment is pleasant while helping you reach your goals. The Structure House program is constantly changing and improving but helping you understand your relationship with food and how that relationship can affect your other lifestyle decisions remains at their core.

Final reminder

The best weight loss spa should be able to accommodate all of your needs. They should be able to not only help you lose weight during your stay with them, but also help you get started on keeping off that weight outside of their facilities with better eating habits and an exercise program. Although generally lumped together as offering weight management programs, the spas we just reviewed have different approaches unique to them.

Finding the best weight loss spa that suits your needs perfectly might be hard, but it might just be the most important find of your life. Consider looking one up in your locality. The best weight loss spa for you might just be around your corner.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Goths of Summer

I saw a Goth on a sunny day in Camden, UK and it occured to me how uncomfortable it must be to wear heavy, all black clothes when it's hot out. That idea was rolling around in my head when I picked up my guitar. I ended up writing this quirky ode to self expression.


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วันเสาร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How To Exercise In the Morning Consistently

If you're one of those rare breed of humans, it's a time when you bounce out of bed prepared for exercise, feeling energetic, mentally sharp, and ready to give the world a good dose of yourself, than you don't need to read this article - just kidding!

But... If you're like most people, you get up in the morning with an "oh, no not again!" attitude and hazy vision that only a shower, black coffee, and a few hours of being upright will cure. On top of that, morning is usually a study in hurried chaos. You hit the snooze button one too many times. You try to find clothes that match. You just did a load of whites, but you can't find a pair of socks. You forgot where you put your checkbook and the keys.

Is this a time to be working out? Are you kidding, you say, absolutely out of the question. You know what? The morning hours may by the best time for a "busy person's workout." You just have to learn how to plan a morning exercise routine, and then stick with the plan. Here's your wake-up call.

Try these techniques to make time for a morning workout. Set your alarm clock to go off 15 minutes earlier. NOTE: give yourself 1-2 weeks to adjust to your new wake-up time, then set it back another 15 minutes. Now you've just added a ½ hour to your day that you can completely devote to your A.M. workout. But you must make sure you give your body time to adjust to your new schedule. Setting your alarm back 30 minutes is too much of a shock to your system.

Go to bed earlier once you're committed to morning workouts, don't expect to be able to go to bed at midnight like you used to. Put simply, if you're getting up earlier, go to bed earlier. (Some people have a problem with that.) You're better off cashing it in earlier than watching your favorite late night comedy show.

Get ready the night before. Normally, you waste a lot of time if you roll out of bed, stumble to the bathroom, take a shower, put your clothes on, then to the kitchen for some coffee and a quick eat-on-the-way-out-the-door breakfast. Once you think about your morning routine, you may find dozens of little things you could do the night before to give yourself some extra time for a morning workout. For example:

o A coffee maker with a timer you set before going to bed

o Making your lunch

o Setting your keys, checkbook, and briefcase by the door so you don't have to look for them
These will save you minutes in the morning - and it only takes a few minutes to add another set of reps or another mile to your workout.

Consider going to bed in your workout clothes! Go to bed in shorts and a T-shirt (or if it's cold, sweatpants and a T-shirt). Then, when the alarm goes off, get out of bed, jump into your shoes, and you're ready to go. While you're at it, get your work clothes ready, too. If you work out at a gym, pack them in the car so they're ready to go.

One of the best ways to stick to a morning exercise routine is to go to bed and get up the same time each day, even on weekends. Sleeping in more than an hour will throw you completely out of whack. Once your timing is down, STICK WITH IT. You will be rewarded with a body and mind that functions smoothly - almost like clockwork.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Well Done Abba (2010) w/ Eng Sub - Hindi Movie - Part 6

Subscribe: www.youtube.com Well Done Abba, Full Movie, English Movie, Hindi Movie, Watch Online, SominalTv, Boman Irani, Minisha Lamba, Sameer Dattani


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Rihanna Feat. TI. Live Your LiFe + Lyrics!

Rihanna): You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars. And then you'll see, you're gonna go far. Cause everyone knows, who you are-are. So live your life, ay ay ay. Instead of chasing that paper. Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. Ain't got no time for no haters. Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. No telling where it'll take you. Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. Cause I'm a paper chaser. Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh) Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh) (TI): Nevermind what haters say, ignore em 'til they fade away. Amazing they ungreatful after all the game I gave away. Safe to say I paid the way, for you cats to get paid today. You'd still be wasting days away, now had I never saved the day. Consider them my protégé, homage I think they should pay. Instead of being gracious, they violate in a major way. I never been a hater still I love them in a crazy way. Some say they sold yah and no they couldn't even work on Labor day. It aint that they black or white, their hands in areas the shades of grey. I'm West side anyway, even if I left today and stayed away. Some move away to make a way not move away cause they afraid. I brought back to the hood and all you ever did was take away. I pray for patience but they make me want to melt their face away. Like I once made them spray, now I could make em put the k's away. Been thuggin' all my life, can't say I don't deserve to take a break ...


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Stomach Muscle Toning - What You Need to Remember to Get a Lean, Firm Tummy

Approximately 70% of adults suffer from lazy stomach muscles. It is a sign of the years progressing and our skin and muscles start to droop. The good news is that it is easily controlled by using stomach muscle toning techniques for as long as you want to. Before starting on any stomach muscle toning exercises, a couple of things have to be considered. Mainly you need to get rid of the fat surrounding the muscles first but at the same time you need to keep up your normal intake of calories to have energy for the work out.

If we don't get rid of the fat surrounding the muscles then we will never see a lean, firm tummy as the muscles will be hidden by the layer of fat, we also have to remember that when muscles tone up they do in fact bulk out themselves. To get rid of the fat but still keep up energy flow for our exercising, we just need to change the kind of foods we eat. The aim is to make an overall body fat percentage of under 10%
- Avoid all estrogen foods
- Do not confuse healthy foods with weight loss foods
- There is a certain type of saturated fat which encourages the body to burn fat.

Once we have established an eating plan for ourselves that allows us to cut our overall body fat percentage, we can also set up a good work out. This needs to be an all over body work to make sure we still are energetic after the work out. Focusing on tummy exercises alone will only tire us out.

At this point it is worth remembering that two of the best exercises are in fact swimming and walking as these burn the most amount of fat. You can include these two exercises with specific stomach muscles exercises like crunches, sit ups and the bends. Do not forget to do a complete warm up before you start your exercise routine and also do a come down routine as well. You may be tempted at times to take the easy route and buy a tummy flattening device but trust me. I have been there and done it and they do not work. A good eating plan and all over body workout are the best stomach muscle toning techniques.

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วันพุธที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Issues - The Saturdays [Lyrics]

Lyrics: Ohhh Yeah Sometimes I Feel like Im going out of My mind, Boy the way you do me is a damn crime, But then you smile at me and its all right, With you there aint nothin' in between, Every time that I walk out the door, Tell myself I can't take it no more, Theres a part of me won't let you go Keep saying yes when my minds saying no, Chorus: Me and my heart we got issues, Dont know if I should hate you or miss you, Damn, I wish that I could resist you, Can't decide if I should leave you or kiss you. Me and my heart we got issues, issues, issues. We got issues, issues, issues. Its so wrong, boy you leave me hangin' for so long, You empty out my love until its all gone, You change the words but still it's the same song, Im tired of the melody. Change my number and throw out your clothes, But my feelings for you, it still shows, I keep building the walls round my heart, But then I see you, and it all falls apart... Chorus: Me and my heart we got issues, Dont know if I should hate you or miss you, Damn, I wish that I could resist you, Can't decide if I should leave you or kiss you. Me and my heart we got issues, issues, issues. We got issues, issues, issues. Why fight it, cant hide it Truth is I think I like it, Confusion, illusion Still I dont know which way to go. Chorus: (x2) Me and my heart we got issues, Dont know if I should hate you or miss you, Damn, I wish that I could resist you, Can't decide if I should leave you or kiss you. Me and my heart we got issues ...


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Hard-Fi-Living For The Weekend

Hard-Fi-Living For The Weekend from the album stars of cctv


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วันอังคารที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Change Up Your Workout

Staying motivated once you decide to start exercising on a regular basis doesn't have to be all that difficult. All you need to do is pick out a few different kinds of activities that you enjoy and make sure that you change your workout on a regular basis.

Don't Let Boredom Set In

Relying on one kind of activity to stay fit is just a recipe for boredom. If you don't make working out enjoyable, you will find all kinds of excuses for avoiding it. Before too long, you will have gotten out of the habit of exercising regularly, and your health will suffer because of it. Exercise reduces stress, short term and chronic illnesses.

Plus, you may find that you start to gain weight easily because you are not burning enough calories during the day. If you want to keep on enjoying the foods you love, then make a point of being active. Otherwise, you will find it much more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

Many Activities Allow You To Stay Fit

If you are used to working out solo, then why don't you sign up for an exercise class to keep things interesting? With the number of options available, it shouldn't be too difficult to find something you can participate in. If you are used to a workout where you are going full tilt all the time, you may want to consider signing up for a yoga or a tai chi class. These options may not seem like a great workout, but don't be deceived. It takes control and flexibility to do these activities.

There is nothing wrong with getting a spot at the back of the room until you get used to the routine of the class. No one expects you to have all the moves or the poses down the first time you try them. As you continue through the class schedule, you will find that you are stronger and have better balance. This new-found confidence is something you can carry with you to other aspects of your life, too.

Another option if you are looking for a way to change up your workout routine is to get involved in some kind of team sport. There are several choices available to you, including baseball, soccer, basketball, and football. Playing as part of a team is not only fun, but learning how to be part of a group working toward a common goal helps you to learn how to work well with others in other situations.

Don't discount the value of adding physical activity where you can during your day. Make a habit of taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking your car a little further away from your destination, or going for a walk on your lunch break. These small changes in your routine will help you improve your level of fitness as well as help you to stay motivated to make regular physical activity a part of your lifestyle.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

A Lower Ab Workout - Is it Just Sit-ups? Not Quite!

Is a lower ab workout just sit-ups? There are so many variations on the simple sit-up that can add results to your lower ab workout that you could make an entire workout routine out of just sit-up variations. Try working with these different kinds of sit-ups to improve your lower ab workout.

Tip 1: Did you know you could have sit-ups with a twist? One variation of the sit-up that will help to enhance your lower ab workout is the twisting sit-up. To do a twisting sit-up all you need to do is to twist your body to one side as you are coming up, then on your way down you can slowly straighten back to normal. For each sit-up you should alternate the side you twist to in order to get an even workout.

Tip 2: Hold it for a count of three. If you really want to strengthen your abs, then use the "hold it" version of the sit-up in your routine. When you bring your upper body up, hold it in place for a count of three, then exhale and slowly lower your body down. A few sets of those should tighten those abs.

Tip 3: Reach out and touch someone. As you are coming up in your sit-up, reach your arms out straight along side your knees. Once you have reached the top of the sit-up, hold the position for a count of three and then lower your body down. It takes ab strength to be able to do a sit-up without using your hands.

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Stylish Maternity Clothes For Future Moms

You may already feel self conscious enough when you are pregnant as your body shape changes, so in order to feel good about how you look it is important to dress well. Most expectant mothers have to start wearing maternity clothing around the fourth month but that does not mean you have to abandon your sense of style.

Maternity clothing is much more than baggy sweaters and pants with elastic waist bands. Maternity clothes can be stylish, sexy, and fashionable. Today you can find a wide variety of stylish maternity clothes from top designers like Liz Lange. Her line includes designer clothes for moms to be in the same materials that are used to dress fashion models on the runways in New York and Paris. Lange is one of a growing number of designers to recognize the need for stylish maternity clothes suitable for both every day wear and special occasions.

Upscale stores like A Pea in a Pod carry designer brand name maternity clothing from celebrities like Nicole Richie and Elle MacPherson. They not only have dresses and suits for future moms, but also carry an extensive line of designer lingerie and sleepwear.

Stylish maternity clothes can be expensive. If you are willing to shop around for second hand pregnancy wear, however, you can stylish maternity clothes that are as good as new at a fraction of the original price. Purchased new, 7 for all Mankind Guenevere Secret fit designer jeans will sell for more than $200, but you can find the same jeans slightly used at discount maternity sites for as little as $25. If you need an evening gown for a special occasion you can expect to pay $250 for a new Lilly Pulitzer, but again shopping around a little or buying gently used could produce quite a bargain. When it comes to outfits for special occasions you have to figure the original purchaser probably only had reason to wear it once or twice.

If you are expecting during the hot Summer months and need something to wear around the pool or on the beach, there are several types of stylish maternity swimwear. Tankinis are extremely popular among expectant moms because they come in two pieces - a tank top for your upper half paired with a bikini bottom. You can also find a large assortment of cover ups for the pool in case hanging around in a swimsuit while pregnant makes you a bit uncomfortable.

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Anniluce Chooses Technical Fabrics That Let Your Skin Breathe

Have you ever tried to go to the gym with uncomfortable clothes? I'm sure you have, and it happens to just about everyone, uncomfortable clothes tend to restrict your movements making workout routines extremely hard to accomplish. If you are a few pounds overweight tight clothes pose an extra obstacle since you have to fight against your own clothes and overcome your physical condition in order to loose a few pounds.

Professional athletes know that when it comes to clothing "mobility and special fabrics" are of the utmost importance in order for them to perform at their best. We say that fabrics are extremely important in sportswear because if you are an active individual then your body has healthy metabolism and as such it performs cooling functions whenever you work out. Your body's sweat is the automatic mechanism which is in charge of cooling our blood which goes to vital organs, once the blood has been cooled down it then travels across your body and normalizes your core temperature.

Our body's cooling system is very similar to a car's cooling system, if it gets extremely overheated the brain might send commands to our body in order to cease all activity and avoid damage to our organs, this is one of the reasons why people faint in the middle of a work out. How do clothes come in to play in such example? Imagine you went to the gym and tried to work out wearing plastic clothes, such material is sure to block your pores from getting the oxygen they need in order to cool down your blood, if you keep working out for an extended period you are very likely to suffer some sort of skin related problem at the very least; some fabrics have not been designed to be part of sportswear because they don't let your skin breathe, sure they might look cool but they are certainly not good for you.

A good example of a clothing line which keeps all of these factors in mind when manufacturing sportswear is called Anniluce, such brand designs their fabrics in such a way that it lets your skin breathe even though the clothing might be somewhat adjusted to your body curves, but either way you look at it, most sportswear has been designed to adapt to your body's shape in order to provide the least resistance during a workout routine, fibre protection with active dry is also important because it lets people feel comfortable, cool and dry. Whenever you go out to buy sportswear make sure it fits perfectly that it is comfortable and that it lets your body perform its natural functions.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How To Make Confetti

Expand the description and view the text of the steps for this how-to video. Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from Milkhouse and more videos in the General Holidays & Parties category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide at www.howcast.com or produce your own Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmakers Program at www.howcast.com Make any occasion more festive with your own homemade confetti. To complete this How-To you will need: Paper Scissors, a hole puncher, or a paper shredder Anti-static spray Flower petals Silica gel crystals Small glassine bags Double-stick tape Noisemakers Balloons A large fan A lint roller A confetti cannon, a blower, or a swirl fan Step 1: Gather paper Gather paper that can be shredded—old newspapers and magazines, discarded copier paper, used gift wrapping, or colored construction paper. Tip: If you work in an office, ask coworkers who use hole punchers to save the little paper circles. Step 2: Cut them Turn paper into confetti with scissors, a hole puncher, or a paper shredder. Craft-supply stores offer decorative hole punchers that create stars, sequins, hearts, and other designs. Tip: If you use a paper shredder to make the confetti, make sure it's the crosscut kind, which cuts paper both vertically and horizontally. Step 3: Make them cling-free Scoop up the confetti, put it in a paper bag, and mist it with anti-static spray. Close the bag, shake it up for a minute, then open the top to let the confetti air-dry ...


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วันเสาร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

MF Doom-Hoe Cakes

Hoe Cakes from the album Mm..Food. 100.000 views soon! keep it coming people. Also I'm trying to upload the whole Scars & Memories album by MF Grimm soon. To all Doom fans, I recommend Grimm's production and especially his biography. The guy is totally underrated. To join MF Dooms fb page: www.facebook.com MF Grimms fb page: www.facebook.com Lyrics: [MF Doom] KEEP YA HOES IN CHECK!(..Super!) I got this girl and she wants me to duke Her I told her I'd come scoop her around 8, she said "Super!" that sounds great, shorty girl's a trooper no matter what I need her to do, she be like "Super!" own his own throne, the boss like King Koopa on the microphone he flossed the ring "Super! average emcees is like a TV blooper MF DOOM...hes like DB Cooper out wit the moolah, I let her get a outfit jus to cool her off she said niggaz ain't about shit I wonder if she meant it, I doubt it the way it be in her mouth, she can't live witout it and can't live with this, handle yo bidness villain'll stay on a scandalous hoes shit list one pack of cookies please Mr. Hooper its fun smackin rookies, he is the "Super!" look like a black wookie when he let his beard grow weirdo, brown skin'ded always kept his hair low rumor has it its a S-curl accident DOOM was always known to keep the best girls backs bent some say its the eyes, some say the accent a lotta guys wonder where they stacks went I call her thunder thighs, with the fatty swolla only mess wit high rollas, do what daddy told her no matter ...


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วันศุกร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Danskin New Women's Triathlon Tri Tank Top

Workout clothes are as important as the workouts themselves. This is because workout clothes determine the results and benefits that can be acquired from the trainings. Additionally, good and suitable workout clothing will be able to help and support the body when doing rigorous physical activities. This is why choosing the best ones should be everyone's top priority.

Although active wear is readily available in the market, choosing the ones that would best fit the needs of a woman trainee and athlete can be quite a hard feat. This is because most of the clothes available are especially designed for men, and very rarely can a woman find those that will support their bodies when doing exercises.

In this regard, the Danskin clothing line is introduced to the market to cater to all the women's needs. The Danskin clothing line has made it sure that every woman will be able to enjoy the most benefits out of their workout sessions by donning the right set of exercise apparel. The Danskin clothing line has inspired more women to enjoy healthy workouts and exercises because their products are able to improve and maximize the possible results that can be gained from these exercises.

The Danskin clothing line has made it easier for women to enjoy indoor and outdoor physical activities with the release of the new Women's Triathlon Printed Tri Tank Top. The new Women's Triathlon Tri Tank Top is the recent addition to the already vast collection of excellently-made women's athletic apparel. As with all the previous products of the Danskin clothing line, the new Women's Triathlon Tri Tank Top is made from high-quality materials that are sure to boost all women's athletic potentials, bringing out all the chances for maximized workout benefits.

The new Women's Triathlon Tri Tank Top is made from 82% nylon and 18% Xtra Life Lycra that is very flexible and durable. These materials help increase the flexibility of the women's movements, accommodating even the most painstaking acrobatic movements. The tank-top design of this particular active wear is able to maximize the free-flowing movements of the body, resulting to even better workout results.

Additionally, the new Women's Triathlon Tri Tank Top has a moisture management capacity. This enables women to free themselves from the sticky and ugly feeling induced by excessive perspiration. The UV-protection feature of the new Women's Triathlon Tri Tank Top will be able to protect the athletes from the harsh rays of the sun during morning sessions. With the new Women's Triathlon Tri Tank Top, women athletes are secured that they are provided the best service imaginable.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Naruto - Thanks For The Memories

Naruto - Thanks For The Memories (Chinese: NARUTO -感谢记忆) (Danish: NARUTO - Tak for minderne) (Dutch: NARUTO - Dank voor de herinneringen) (French: NARUTO - Merci pour les mémoires) (German: NARUTO - Dank für die Gedächtnisse) (Italian: NARUTO - Ringraziamenti per le memorie) (Japanese: NARUTO - 記憶への感謝) (Korean: NARUTO - 기억을 위한 감사합니다) (Portuguese: NARUTO - Agradecimentos para as memórias) (Russian: NARUTO - Спасибо для памятей) (Spanish: NARUTO - Gracias por las memorias) A Tony Video Update: 1st Place!!! - Over the Edge Extreme AMV Contest #2 1st Place - VishalToTheG Master AMV Tournament #1: Round #1 & Honorable Mention - Kin2Naruto's AMV Contest #10 This AMV Took Me All Day 2 Make So Enjoy The Hard Work! :) Song: Thanks For The Memories By: Fall Out Boy Anime: Naruto and Naruto Shippuuden Creator of Anime: Masashi Kishimoto Program(s): Any Video Converter & Vegas 6.0 Download: www.animemusicvideos.org Megaupload Premium Download: www.megavideo.com MySpace: www.myspace.com ________________________________ Lyrics: [Intro] I'm gonna make you bend and break, (It sends you to me without wait) Say a prayer but let the good times roll! In case God doesn't show.... (Let the good times roll, let the good times roll) [Verse 1] And I want these words to make things right, But it's the wrongs that make the words come to life, "Who does he think he is?" If that's the worst you got, Better put your fingers back to the keys! [Chorus] One night and one more time ...


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วันพุธที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Vin Diesel Muscles

Seeing Vin Diesel Muscles have women dreaming to be with him, and men all over the world wanting to look like him. If given the choice, most men would trade their body for the lean muscular body of Vin Diesel in a heartbeat!

Commitment To Building Muscles

But men know that Vin Diesel muscles are a result of a lot of hard work, hours in the gym, dedication, discipline, and determination. So some will head to the magazine section of their local book store, and search out the muscle building secrets found in the body building magazines. Knowing that all the muscle building tips they will need, lie among the many pages of these magazines.

This dream is followed by a new gym membership, a trip to the mall for new workout clothes, a healthy new diet, and maybe a picture of Van Diesel muscles on your mirror for inspiration. You've got everything you need to make it happen! Right?

When The Dream Dies

But then the months go by, and you begin to grow tired of filling your body with mysterious supplements that seem to do nothing except empty your pockets and make give you embarassing gas. And you're tired of seeing the inside of the gym 6 days a week, doing your muscle building workout...only to find you're the same size you were last month. And to top it all off, you're watching other guys work out half as much, building impressive Vin Diesel muscles and getting twice as big as you!!

The Secret Is Out

Bodybuilding magazines are spending big bucks to keep the muscle building secrets from you. But guess what...the secrets are out! By simply mastering a few of the long forgotten training procedures, you will maximize your genetic potential quickly and easily. You are more than likely working a lot harder than you need to be for that body you have been working toward. You need to get the right information in your hands, so you can take control of your workouts. You may be closer to building those Vin Diesel muscles, than you think!

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วันอังคารที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Weight Loss - Get Your Best Body in 8 Weeks

Imagine how you'll feel 8 weeks from now when you look in the mirror and see a new you. Think it can't happen? Think again. You can do this and you will be able to fit this process into your busy schedule. Read on to find out how to get your best body in 8 weeks.

When you break it down, 8 weeks is really not a long time, it's actually 4 sets of 20 days. "They" say if you can do something for 20 days, you've created a habit. This is exactly what I'm going to help you do.

Get Organized

To be successful, you actually have to put this effort first and foremost in your life. Nothing else can matter more than taking control of your lifestyle, which will help you to get your best body. Getting organized consists of following these next steps:

The Kitchen: Clear out any foods that will cause you to trip up on your diet. Stock your cupboards and fridge with healthy options.
Workout Clothes: Pick out or purchase comfortable clothes that will allow you to move easily while you work out. This includes having shoes designed especially for your activities such as running, training or aerobic classes.
Support System: Enlist the help of your family, friends and loved ones to help you stay on track. If no one is available in your immediate area, seek support online from one of the many fitness websites.

Create a Schedule

You are well on your way to success. You have things prepped, now its time to create a schedule. First, figure out when you'll workout and write (that's correct, write) it down in your calendar. This means you'll be more likely to actually do it. Then tell everyone that is affected by this schedule AND that it's starting on (this date) and get going.

Put Together a Meal Plan

Mindset, check; schedule, check; now you need to know what you'll be eating. Believe me, the meal plan is just as important, if not more, than the other two components. You will need to eat every 3-4 hours to be successful. By planning your meals, you will be in total control of your caloric intake. Purchase some low fat cookbooks or jump online and find lots of healthy recipes that promote weight loss.

Put It in Motion

All things are in order, now all that's left is to do it. Will you join a gym, hire a personal trainer, or invest in workout videos or magazines and design your own program? Which ever works best for you, go for it. Remember, this is your journey, so choose how you will go through it.

8 weeks is a symbol for the rest of your life, once you get to the end of the first 8 weeks, you'll look and feel better than ever. Then, you'll simply start over and make a new plan to follow for the next 8 weeks.

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Nas - Doo Rags

A great song from The Lost Tapes Albums. --------------Lyrics--------------- Pushin drop-tops, Stacy Lattisaw tapes, the 80's had us all apes Youngest gorillas up to bat at home plate That was a uncanny era, guns in my pants Yeah X-Clan hair, with dreads at the top of my fade Homicide and feds on the blocks where I played, b-ball That's when I wondered was I here for the cause, or be-cause Cause Ray Charles could see the ghetto Was told to stay strong and I could beat the Devil Cause yo, I used to play Apollo balcony seats Watchin niggaz swing razors in the front row, then out in the streets The car show, 560's, chemical afros Acuras pumpin Super Lover Cee and Casanova Live chicks be, asses bustin out of they clothes Wearin lip gloss, big door knockers pealin they earlobes So where them years go? Where the old gold beers and cheers go? But now them shorties here doe, so The doo rags are back, fitted hats, snorkels and furs Riker's Island bustin, still packed, what's the word? The drinkers stay drinkin, or puffin they herb And I'm, still enjoyin life's ride; one mo' time The doo rags are back, fitted hats, snorkels and furs Riker's Island bustin, still packed, what's the word? The drinkers stay drinkin, or puffin they herb And I'm, still enjoyin life's ride; right? Political thugs in shark suits persuade us to pull triggers in army boots, yellin "Join the armed forces!" We lost the Vietnam War, intoxicated poisons Needles in arms of veterans instead of bigger fortunes ...


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วันจันทร์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553


www.origiful.com this is the link to all the bags! 3 minutes of lightning-fast sewing and painting, and you've got an awesome shoulder bag. I make a lot of bags, mainly out of old clothes and things I find. I started doing this while I was living in Paris a couple years ago. i was doing art shows and painting a lot, but even at the most successful shows you couldn't expect more than a couple hundred people to come see your work. So I decided to start painting on clothing and bags (a perfect format) because then I could wear my art in public and have shown it to several thousand people in the course of a day. I've made about 50 bags now, and sell them in San Francisco. Hopefully it will catch on. Live art in all you do; spread it everywhere. Make masterpieces of your simple routines. www.origiful.com


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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Scientology: Jeff Stone's Changing Story

PirateofAnonymous has put together this look at how Supervisor Jeff Stone has railroaded an ordinance into place in Riverside County, California to try to stop protests at Scientology's desert compound near Hemet. Called "Gold," this sprawling compound is where Scientology leader David Miscavige lives and rules over the organization. The gates are constantly guarded, the iron fence covered with spikes and barbed wire to keep members of the Sea Org (Scientology's elite paramilitary unit) from leaving. Sea Org members sign a billion-year service contract, pledging to return lifetime after lifetime to work for Scientology to help "clear the planet," which means to convert everyone to Scientology. Some 2% of the population Hubbard described as Suppressive Persons. SP's should be eliminated "quietly and without sorrow," he wrote. Sea Org and staff members work about 90 hours a week and get about $50 a week in pay. They receive one day off every other week unless Scientology feels they are "downstat" (not producing as much as they did the week before) in which case they lose that privilege. They are not allowed to come and go as they please, their mail is read and their phone calls are monitored. They are often cutoff from family members by Scientology's practice of Disconnection. If a friend or family raises doubts about Scientology, they are told to handle the "Potential Trouble Source." If the member can not shut-up the person complaining, they are forced to write a ...


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วันเสาร์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

2 Tips To Lose Weight With Cardio Workout

In this article, I'm going to provide you with 2 simple tips how you can lose more weight with your cardio workout sessions.

For those of you who do not know what a cardio workout is - cardio workout is simply exercising on a cardio machine in the gym such as treadmills, rowing machines, upright or recumbent bikes and ellipticals. It is very common to see people who go to the gym regularly getting on these cardio machines.

Those who use these cardio machines regularly may see some weight loss results within 2 - 3 weeks. However, as time goes on, your weight loss results may slow down and eventually come to a crashing halt. Here are 2 tips you can apply immediately to stop that from happening:

Tip #01 - Do whatever you can to distract yourself during cardio workouts

I know cardio workouts can be pretty boring - imagine doing the same old thing over and over again, and you'll eventually give up doing cardio workouts because the boredom has gotten to you. One thing you can do is to distract yourself during cardio workouts - some people either listen to music, watch television, read books, or even play hand-held games just to distract themselves throughout the whole process - and before you even know it, your 60 minute cardio workout is over!

Tip #02 - Your body will start burning fewer calories over time

The first time you work on a cardio machine, you'll find that your body burns alot of calories. However, when you are doing the same type of workout over and over again - over time, your body will adapt to it and your body will start to burn fewer calories.

For example, your body may burn 400 calories when you first start your cardio workout in January. You work on the cardio machine regularly and over time, say, in March, you'll find that your body may only burn 200 calories in each cardio exercise!

The only solution here is to extend the time you work on these cardio machines - let's say in January, you may be working on it for 30 minutes. You may want to extend this to 45 minutes or even 60 minutes in March.

Follow the above 2 tips closely, and I guarantee you that you'll be able to lose weight regularly with your cardio workouts. Good luck.

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Getting Your House Organized Including the Small Closets!

How can I make the small closet in my bedroom more organized and functional? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Many of us have small closets, but they can be functional as long as they are home to a reasonable number of clothing, shoes and accessories. Making use of organizing tools is important to make the most of the available space.

Getting back to our question, how can we make a small closet more organized and functional?

Well, first of all, periodic reorganization is mandatory. So no matter how organized your closet is, once in a while, we need to take some time just to reorganize. You may have accumulated more than you need in that closet.

Ways to make organizing a small closet easier include hanging hooks on the inside of the closet door for bathrobes and frequently used items. Towel racks are ideal for scarves. Hanging racks are perfect for belts. Look for items that you can use in your closet that will make everything a little more accessible. Your closet will be more organized and efficient as well.

You can use canvas boxes for folded knitwear, T-shirts, bathing suits, and workout clothes since those items are not going to wrinkle easily. You can group hanging clothes by category and color so they are ready to put on at a moment's notice. Keep empty hangers at the end of the rod for easy access.

As you have probably already observed, there are numerous closet-organizing systems, whether you buy them at a big-box store or you go to a specific organizing store. You just have to measure and analyze the size of your closet and determine what will work in your closet. Consider shelves, plastic movable chests, as well as a small chest of drawers which are very handy. Shoe racks of all kinds are on the market.

Having the right organizational tools is the most important thing that you can get for your closets. And then, of course, making it all fit in is your ultimate goal. If all else fails, there are closet-organizing companies that will come in and custom design a closet storage system for you.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Trip Lee - No Worries (Single) Between two Worlds HD

Trip Lee is back with a head bangin' second single from his upcoming album "Between Two Worlds." This is definitely an anthem that you'll want to crank up with the windows down! "No Worries" celebrates the believer's outlook on eternity in light of the finished work of Christ on the cross. While we must face circumstances daily that try our faith, we don't have to worry about where we'll spend eternity. We have assurance in Christ that our sins are forgiven, and we won't get what we deserve. Instead, we will get everlasting joy and fellowship with God! Between Two Worlds (BTW) dropping June 22. Buy at Reach Records store: www.merchline.com Lyrics Hook: I told them brothers that His standard's too high I ain't stutter but they wonder how I plan on getting by I just tell them I ain't got no worries, we ain't worried bout a thing Nah I ain't got no worries, we ain't worried bout a thing (Repeat) Verse 1: Yeah I'm focused on the prize, my homies by my side We bumpin Sho Baraka while we rolling in the ride We got the windows open, hoping they can hear the cries But no fear is in our sight, man you can focus on my eyes We ain't worried bout a thing, we got hope you can't describe It ain't because we perfect, we got motives that should die Let's be open, we broken, we ain't posing in disguise Our hearts is cold and fallen like some snow up in the skies Hey if you know me then you know, I ain't got a clean past I had idols in my heart hoping for that green cash Instead of chasing ...


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Is Heavy Sweating During Exercise Good For Your Health?

Are you sweating a lot during exercise? Or even when not exercising heavily? If yes, do you think excessive sweating can be a good thing? If you answer 'yes' to the above, then there are some important points that would demand your attention when it comes to excessive sweating.

Common myth has it that by wearing rubber suits to induce more sweating during exercise such as working out at the gym or jogging, one can achieve the purpose of losing a bit extra pounds. First and foremost, the basic rule of working out is to avoid dripping sweat whenever possible, especially in hot weather. Losing heat takes energy. This energy comes from the activity of your sweat glands; millions of these glands are lying just under your skin use metabolic energy to secrete sweat. This energy is drained from the total energy you have at your command to do the work of your body. Your muscles have to share in this energy in order to be able to function properly.

When too much energy is utilised in sweating, there is not much left behind to handle other bodily functions and therefore your body will tire whole lot easier after heavy sweating regardless of reasons for such sweating. When your body is exhausted, it'll simply stop secreting, and you're in danger of a heat stroke.

Another loss of energy when you overheat is in your cardiovascular system. When the skin gets hot, the peripheral vessels leading to the skin open. The majority of your blood supply rushes to the surface of your body. This takes away the blood your muscles need. The heart will try to make up for the loss by pumping harder. The load becomes so intense that if it carries on for a prolonged period you could collapse, and conceivably die. Inducing sweat is dangerous - and it makes no contribution to fitness.

Therefore, the best and most functional fashions for sportwears are the most simple and down to earth ones - just your bare skin and some simple shorts and tank tops. Lightweight and light colors will go a long way and will make or break the feelings you have when exercising. It's even more so when you're exercising outdoors. Besides, appropriate clothing will aid your body sweat in the right manner - no more, no less.

Although sweating does help burn some calories, it's quite a dangerous way to reduce. You could end up losing your health and perhaps your life if it's too much to the extremes. That's a remote possibility, but why take your chance? The basic point to remember is this: You only have so much energy available. It takes a lot of energy to lose heat. If you waste your energy in this manner, you won't have the energy you need to perform other tasks. Therefore, away with the sweat suits and off with rubberized garments! Just let your body handle this naturally by itself without adding fuel to the fire.

According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), sweat is the 'liquid of the heart' and therefore has to be cherished. If you're sweating heavily, you might be performing some tasks that your body isn't quite ready for - hence the sign of heavy sweating. If you sweat heavily during the night sleeping, the outer defense of your body is off and it's a sign for appropriate nutritional nourishment. Therefore, take sweating seriously and enjoy your good health all the way - no sweat about it!

There are always 2 ways to do things - the smart way and the stupid way. When it comes to treating excessive sweating, you just have to know those tricks of the trade to get results fast.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Pilates Abs Workout - The Fastest Way to Have Great Abs

Many people admire actors and models with lean abs and great bodies. In fact, they follow their lifestyle and undergo a series of gruesome exercises, like crunches and sit ups. These exercises are painful and the results are sometimes come after a long time. In the end, the process itself can cause painful backaches.

Still, there are exercises that can offer the same result, yet are easier to perform and less gruesome. The results are also astounding and can be seen immediately. Pilate Abs workout has this all. In fact, in one month, you can see the results. It is more enjoying and does not hurt or put your back at risk.

The Meaning of Pilates

When the influenza pandemic plagued Germany during World War I, Joseph Pilates introduced an exercise that can help patients recover. The exercise, later named after him, gave focus on light exercises which gave considerable results.

The only materials required to perform a Pilates exercise is loose fit exercise clothes. Other than this, no device is required. The exercise clothes allow you to perform the exercise freely since a lot of bending is needed. Tight clothes are not allowed since a lot of stretching is done. You can wear trainers but practicing pilates is best when done in bare feet. A pilates mat is also needed when performing the exercise.

Pilates exercise is primarily centered in improving the core parts of the body, like the muscles in the abdomen. The exercise also works for the back and the pelvis, which control the form and shape of the other body parts.

It is important that a Pilates abs workout be done whenever performing a workout. Pilates works with the inner muscles and works out the abdomen. Aside from this, there are many other Pilates abs exercises available.

What Makes Pilates Abs Exercises Very Popular?

More and more people are getting attracted to Pilates abs exercises because it is less painful and the results are visible within weeks. However, if Pilates exercise is not done regularly, results will likely come out later than expected.

Since the exercise targets the core muscles, your abs will develop even though you are not performing Pilates abs exercise. This means abs will develop twice faster compared to ordinary work outs.

So, if you want to have that ideal abs you so longed for, try Pilates abs workout. It's faster, easier, and gives no back pain compared to ordinary workouts. Aside from the desirable results, you'll also enjoy the exercise itself in the process.

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วันพุธที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Will I Get As Much Out of a Step Aerobics DVD?

Anyone who has ever had a gym membership knows what it feels like when they first get it. They are excited about getting new workout clothes, and they go to the gym for a few times, then they get tired of it. The drive is too far, gas is too expensive, the classes aren't at the right time, or they just don't have the time and energy to go anymore. It happens to the best of us.

With obesity at an all-time high, now is no time to not be taking care of your body, and a step aerobics DVD may be able to help you with that. We all know how much fun step aerobics classes look like, when you are watching them through the window. The problem is when you get inside and realize that you don't have quite the coordination that all those young, thin girls have. You may love step aerobics, but not enough to put yourself through that kind of humiliation.

The truth is that you can get just as much out of a step aerobics DVD as you can from a class at your local gym, and in many cases, you will actually get more out of it. Most people find that once they start doing step aerobics at home that they enjoy it so much that they do it more often than they would at their gym. In addition, because they aren't worried about how they look, they are more focused on getting a workout and less about trying to stay in sync with everyone else in the class.

With these DVDs being as affordable as they are right now, there is almost no excuse for not popping one in your DVD player, and setting up your own gym right in your own home.

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วันอังคารที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Treadmill Incline Workout - 45 Minute Fat Blaster

If the same old, same old on the treadmill is getting to you, there's an easy way to spice things up. Try an interval or incline workout. Either are perfect for challenging your fitness level and chasing away boredom. The fact is, the more you change up your treadmill exercise program, the more you'll improve your fitness level.

Fitness, in essence, is pushing through your workouts even when you're not at your best. Breaking through the mental barriers is important, since you realize the effort you put in today will pay off tomorrow and beyond.

With that said, here's one of our favorite 45 minute incline workouts. It's easily adaptable for both walkers and runners, and the varying inclines will challenge even the most fit participants. Here we go....

Minutes 0 to 6: 1% incline at your warm up pace, walking or jogging.

Minutes 5 to 10: 2% incline and add at least.5 mph of speed.

Minutes 10 to 15: 3% incline at the same pace or add.5 mph. Remember the goal is to cover as much distance in the 45 minutes as you can. Week to week try to improve your overall distance.

Minutes 15 to 18: 1% incline, active recovery, reduce speed to minute 5 to 10 level.

Now we'll get into some serious incline work with rolling hills. Over the next 12 minutes, your incline will go up and down. Commit to walking or running the same pace during these 12 minutes.

Minute 18 to 19: 2% incline at your chosen pace.

Minute 19 to 20: 1% incline

Minute 20 to 21: 4% incline

Minute 21 to 22: 1% incline

Minute 22 to 23: 6% incline (are you holding on to your speed?)

Minute 23 to 24: 1% incline

Minute 24 to 25: 2% incline

Minute 25 to 26: 1% incline

Minute 26 to 27: 4% incline

Minute 27 to 28: 1% incline

Minute 28 to 29: 6% incline

Minute 29 to 30: 1% incline

Ok, now you're done with the rolling hills. Let's take an active recovery period...

Minutes 30 to 34: 1% incline, adjust speed downward if necessary. Remember, your goal is to cover as much distance in the 45 minute workout as you can.

Now, for the next six minutes, you'll alternate going fast and slow in one minute intervals.

Minutes 34 to 40: Walk (or run) at 1% incline, alternating a fast pace and slower pace each minute. That means you'll do 3 minutes fast and 3 minutes slower. The difference between the two speeds should be no greater than 1 mph. This part of the workout is extremely challenging!

Minutes 40 to 42: One last push. At 1% incline, walk or run at your fastest pace of the workout. You decide, but push yourself to cover maximum distance.

Minutes 42 to 45: Cool it down at 1% incline


This is a fantastic treadmill incline workout to do once a week. Mix this in with speed workouts or your normal running and walking routines. If you follow the workout program as shown, it is guaranteed you'll experience an enjoyable and very challenging 45 minutes!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Learning from the 'ski' look

Look at ski clothes! The whole look is there! What is meant by the 'whole look'? There are accessories, clothing and coverings for all the body. In skiing, it is the whole body that is important from the crown of the head to the throat to the waist and then to the sole of the foot. Yes the whole body is important. The aim is functional but it is to cover and clothe the body for a function, which is to ski.

Yes the body is what is important and the 'ski' style or look is an example of how a certain style is made, which is the 'ski' style. Look at ski clothes! There is the hat. There are the glasses, then the jacket sometimes with a hood, sometimes without. There are the trousers or the salopettes, whatever is preferred. And finally the boots. And you create the ski look with all these elements. How do you create the 'ski' look. Answer: with all these elements or a selection of them.

How do you create a look? How do you create any look? What can you learn from the 'ski' look? The 'ski' look is a stylised functional look. Your aim is to ski and you create the look. Or the aim is to protect you against the weather, or to cover/clothe yourself in the cold air. This is the function and in this way the 'ski' look is a functional look. And clothes are functional as well as decorative. We see this from the 'ski' look.

Stylists can work then in this way. They can think of clothes and accessories as functional and not just decorative. We can style in this way.. We can then learn from skiing clothes. Yes the nature of skiing clothes can help you in styling yourself. The 'ski' look in particular can aid you in creating other functional looks.

There are the skiing glasses for example. There are various particularly stylised glasses with black and orange rims for example. And we can say indeed that the 'ski look emphasises the eyes. The eyes have to be covered in skiing and we can say that for styling, in general, always look for the eyes. Yes always look out for the eyes when styling! There are the snow goggles too which hide the eyes and the nose too. See also the boots and the hats. Sometimes the ski just go the shin, below the knee as well as the high boots, of course. With these low boots, there is, in some way, more emphasis on the leg. You know the synthetic 'pink' boots. These boots can just go the shin. And boots don't always have to be high; they can go midway and in some way, this gives the shin area emphasis.

Poivre Blanc makes fitted jackets for skiing. Sometimes there are the distinctly pink jackets which suit the cold. Look at these jackets. Their function is to 'protect' but they can be fitted as well as with Poivre Blanc. Yes skiing clothes are definitely not 'fitting' if means 'clinging'. But there is a functional fit that adds to the whole 'ski' look. There are also the imitation fur collars, for example.

The functionality is obvious.. the design is functional. Skiing clothes are meant to be functional so buttons, for example, are obvious and the colors aim to correlate with the weather e.g. pink/black. This can be a stylistic rule: Aim to correlate with the air and atmosphere around you. This is not just 'nature'. It is the atmosphere.. The cold as with skiing. In other words, what the 'ski' look teaches is to aim to be functional.

Poivre Blanc makes particularly fitted ski jackets sometimes with embroidered detail. The outer fabrics, of course, are
waterproof and windproof. There is also the storm hood for example which is tucked into the collar. This jacket is waterproof but you can create a different functional look for cold weather. You can have a light color wool jacket with fur trim collar. Skirt and boots 'to shin' also. You can open the jacket to reveal a collarless blouse with maybe a lace effect. The jacket can be pink or black or white for example. This is a style for the cold air. It leans on the functional look. It is a functional style linked to the ski style.

Women's ski trousers are definitely functional too and not too attractive. Overall they are not fitted for women's ski trousers are for skiing and the fit does not emphasise the legs at all. The fabrics of course are waterproof, sometimes with detachable braces and gaiters. So they are not meant to be attractive but the ski trousers teaches us that trousers can emphasise a style that you want to produce. Indeed, you can say that ski trousers suit wide hipped women in particular. But you can adjust the ski trouser style by keeping the wide hip 'look' but tapering the lines to the ankle. The trousers can then cling at the ankles, if you wish. That is what we can learn from ski trousers. You can adjust ski- trousers so that they cling more!

With the high-braced trousers or salopettes, you can make another style. What about a cropped shirt to the waist with the braces over this. You can wear a high-waisted trousers with a high-collared jacket or a high waisted trousers with a styled t-shirt. With pink boots, this could emphasise the sleeveless arms as well as the neck and generally the upper part of torso. Yes this can be a style learnt from the 'ski' look. Can we learn then from the 'ski' look. In terms of style, yes, definitely!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

smash the control machine - otep

LYRICS BELOW I made this video with an early version of stcm. The single is slightly different (but not by a lot) and since this is the only hq version :P I'm gonna try to make a few ones after the album comes out (18th *squeal*) with the perfect hair and the perfect wife and the perfect kids and the perfect life i can finally be somebody ... ((let's play born-again american, resistance is the game!)) [v.1] two pigs wearing suits brought the news that I'm wanted by the bank they say the rent is due Caesar's onto you so you better remember your place then they outsourced my job and gave a raise to my boss bailed out the banks but billed me for the loss they say we must submit and be one with the Machine because the Kingdom of Fear needs compliance to succeed so waterboard the kids for fun it's all the rage and play born-again American Resistance is the game [chorus] SMASH THE CONTROL MACHINE work buy consume die SMASH THE CONTROL MACHINE happy little slaves for minimum wage ((the revolution will be monetized and streamed live via renegade wifi)) [v.2] the clinic said i'm sick toxic ..... and impure but there isn't any cure for the poor or uninsured so we live our digital lives on multiple screens and we forget that the blood of the workers grease the machines in the Psalm of the Fiends Love ...... discriminates while the fat cats feed the rats their daily dose of cake so waterboard the kids for fun it's all the rage and play born-again American Resistance is the game ...


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วันเสาร์ที่ 2 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Kanye West & Jay Z - Guess Who's Back (Remix)

Kanye West & Jay Z - Guess Who's Back (Remix) (Tracks 25 & 26) DJ EggNice Volume 21 The Jay Z Dropout


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วันศุกร์ที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How To Keep Working Out

There are different things you can do to keep working out. Many times you may get into a routine and continue to workout. If you miss a few days and you are completely out of your routine, soon you will forget all about working out. This happens to many people over and over.

You want to stay healthy and fit so you need to learn how to keep working out.

The first thing you want to do is become a health nut. Think of all the ways you can lose weight and exercise. Start exercising and read all about it. Learn how to eat healthier. You can find many helpful tips right online.

It will help you if you have special workout clothing. You can buy your favorite workout clothing or just keep a designated wardrobe of t-shirts, shorts, jogging pants or nice jogging outfits. You will get a bigger incentive to workout once you put on your workout clothes.

Talk to others about fitness. If you know someone at work or that is a friend who is very health conscious, talk to them and share tips with each other. You can even find plenty of groups or soon to be friends online. Join chat groups or groups online that inspire, give tips and make you want to read as well as talk to them.

You may want to cut out old photos of yourself if there is a photo that fits your goal to looking fit and healthy. You may check magazines for people that are in shape and hang them up on your refrigerator. This is a constant reminder to stay healthy and fit instead of grabbing a bite of something fattening to eat.

Look in the month's ahead at benefits that will be going on. Is there a walking or running benefit for a cause you strongly believe in? You can find this out online or by calling the company that is trying to help find a cure for the specific cause you believe in. Sign-up now so you have plenty of time to get into shape to run or walk. This is a fantastic incentive to get your motivated and it will help to keep you inspired. If the cause is a long walk or very long run, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get conditioned for the benefit.

Once you have lost weight and you have bought new clothes, remember how good this feels. Think of the compliments people give you as well. You want to lose weight for yourself, but the above items help you stay motivated.

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